To celebrate this year’s World Cup tournament we’ve come up with our own competition, the ‘2018 World Cup – It’s a knockout’. There’s a £100 prize pot up for grabs, however you’ve got to be in it, to win it. You can follow all the action on our Facebook page where a League table will be published and updated after each days knockout matches.
Rather than picking a random team out of a hat and being stuck with it, we’ve decided to do something a little different. Instead, you’ll be predicting the teams and scores in each of the knockout stage matches from each of the ‘last 16’ games right through to the World Cup final. You’ll receive points for correctly predicting the teams and scores along the way. Quite simply, the person with the highest number of points wins.
The top 2 teams in each group (A-H) qualify for the knockout stages of the competition.
Match score predictions are at the end of 90 minutes normal time. If a match is drawn after normal time (e.g. 1-1), a winning team should still be entered based on who you predict will win after any additional extra time or penalties.
For example, in Match 1 (1C v 2D), 1C refers to the team you predict being placed 1st in group C versus 2D, your 2nd placed predicted team in group D.
There are 2 ways in which you can send your entry, ‘Option 1‘ & ‘Option 2‘ below. The preferred method is ‘Option 1‘, to complete your predictions using the excel sheet and then email it to worldcup2018@mayfieldfc.co.uk, however for those of you preferring to print off the template and complete by hand, you can download and print a copy.
Email entries will be received up to 16:00 on Wednesday 13th June, whereas printed entries must be received by respective coaches no later than 16:00 Friday 8th June.
It’s £3 to enter with all proceeds to Mayfield FC. Please hand all entry money to coaches (regardless of email or printed entry). Alternatively you can make your entry payment on the door at the Mayfield FC presentation night on Saturday 30th June.

1. Complete all ‘yellow’ boxes in order starting from Match 1. Don’t forget to include your name and contact mobile or telephone number.
2. If completing electronically, select your predicated 1st or 2nd place team from the list of available teams in the drop down list. The lists of teams you can select are relevant to the match, e.g. the A-H group teams, or who you select as match winners as the competition progresses towards the final.
If printing and completing by hand, refer to the group tables to select your predicated 1st or 2nd place teams.
3. Enter your predicated score for the match at the end of 90 minutes normal time. If a match is drawn after normal time (e.g. 1-1), a winning team should still be entered based on who you predict will win after any additional extra time or penalties.
1 point – only one team guessed correctly in the match.
3 points – both teams in match guessed correctly.
1 point – correct score guessed for only one of the teams playing.
3 points – score guessed correctly for both teams.
Bonus 5 points – both teams and score guessed correctly.
£50 – League Champion with the most points.
£25 – League runner up.
£15 – 3rd Place.
£10 – Bottom of the league with the lowest points score.